Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Greetings 2019

Rembrandt's Adoration of the Shepherds
Dear friends, 

Each day I am reminded of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem, as I see “perplexed people”—searching for a “place” to rest their heads and warm their hearts. I see in their faces the face of the Christ child, born in a stable, with nowhere else to go. Each day I am reminded, as well, of the joy that is Christmas, in the goodness of so many people like you who give so much of themselves and whose very lives are a Christmas star. This can be for each of us a very special Christmas if we try to see in each other and in every human person the Christ Child, the love of the Father who sent him to us, the love of the Mother who bore him and the Foster Father who supported him. This Christmas could mean that we might never be the same again. 

You and your loved ones will be in my novena of masses during this 2019 Christmas week. 

My warmest wishes for a blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy 2020.