Sunday, May 19, 2024


The strong, driving wind described in the Book of the Acts -- and ongoing news about England's royal family -- reminds me of a Ronald Reagan story. 

During a state visit to Great Britain, President Reagan went horseback riding with Queen Elizabeth. At one point, a horse broke wind loudly. The Queen said, "There are some things even royalty can't control." Reagan replied, "I'm glad you told me, or I would have thought it was the horse."

Today we celebrate Pentecost – the outpouring of the Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus in Jerusalem. The lesson of Pentecost is simple yet profound: the triune God lives in us; and we live in that trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To paraphrase St. Paul: we are living temples of God.

“Pentecost” is a Greek word meaning “fiftieth” – the fiftieth day after the Jewish Passover. In the Christian tradition, Pentecost celebrates one aspect of the entire paschal mystery: the death, resurrection, ascension of Jesus, and descent of the Spirit.  

The Book of the Acts describes how Jews from every nation were in Jerusalem to celebrate the spring harvest festival. And suddenly the Spirit – described in dramatic sounds and images symbolizing power and energy and vitality – was poured upon the disciples of Jesus and fired them up to preach the Gospel in many languages. 

This astounded the listeners who got the message: "...we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God."

The letter of Paul to the Christian community at Corinth speaks about gifts the Spirit bestows upon us: all to build up the community. In a society where we often overemphasize the individual, Paul’s words are a powerful reminder to seek the common good.

The Gospel describes a post-resurrection appearance of Jesus. The risen Christ breathes upon the disciples (as God originally breathed life into us—remember the Book of Genesis) and in that gesture bestows the Spirit. Jesus promised us an Advocate, the awesome Spirit of truth: the God of this splendid universe lives within us by virtue of the waters of baptism.

The Spirit transforms us into new creatures, with a destiny beyond this earthly life: eternal life with God. That life has already begun in us.  

Now, to see what the Spirit can do, look at the early disciples: initially hiding in a Jerusalem room, and then heroes courageously proclaiming from the rooftops that Jesus Christ is gloriously alive.

Except for red vestments symbolizing fire, there's not much symbolism to see in the church on Pentecost. But the symbol I like best is the “breath of God” or “vigorous wind.” It's something you can feel: “catching” the Spirit. It's feeling the Spirit of God moving wherever it wants and recreating whatever it touches. Remember, for example, how the “dry bones” in the Book of Ezekiel felt God's Spirit bringing them back to life.

The power and energy and life of the Spirit is within us. It inspires us, moves us, so that we can be a channel of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, self-discipline.

Yes, only humans receive the “breath of God” but our Holy Father reminds us in Laudato Si, 

Each creature bears in itself a Trinitarian structure so real that it could be readily contemplated if only the human gaze were not so partial, dark and fragile. Yes, all living things can inspire us if we are alert to God’s spirit.

Pentecost concludes the Easter season and begins the mission of the Church, the people of God, your mission and mine, to continue the saving work of Jesus Christ until he comes again. We can continue that work by embodying the gifts of the Spirit: wisdom (to recognize what really matters in life), intelligence and courage (to discern and stand up for what's true), compassion (for the needy), good judgment (to do right), and wonder and awe (to worship the great God of this universe).

Let us pray that the Spirit whose gifts we possess will empower us to live more fully the results of the Spirit’s presence in us.  

The same Spirit of God 

who spoke through the prophets,

who overshadowed the Virgin Mary,

who energized the early disciples,

and who fully lives in the Church and guides human history 

toward its ultimate fulfillment—

a new heaven and a new earth—

that same Spirit lives and breathes in us

and can transform us ever more fully into 

“living temples of God.”  

So we pray today, on this great feast of Pentecost,

“Come, Holy Spirit anew into our lives, 

re-energize us so that we can 

see God more clearly, 

love God more dearly and 

follow God more nearly. Amen.”