Sunday, December 15, 2024

Third Sunday of Advent

 This Sunday includes a rose-colored chasuble: rose symbolizes joy! The third Sunday of Advent is called "Gaudete": a Latin verb meaning “rejoice.” Why?  Jesus, the joy of our salvation, is about to be born. And think about it: Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, is depicted with a rose-colored tunic. 

This is indeed a time to rejoice. We have much to be thankful for: life, family, friends, faith. Yet many people lack what we take for granted. Why not check the Giving Tree in the Narthex this weekend. Yes, joyfully help those in need.

It's also the season for letters to Santa.  Here's one. “Dear Santa, please bring me a big fat bank account and a slim body. And don't mix those up like you did last year.” May all of us have the wisdom to know what truly matters in life: our relationships with God and one another!

The word of God takes us back to the seventh century before Jesus. The book of Zephaniah brings a hymn of freedom. Shout for joy, sing, be glad, the author proclaims. Why? Because “God is in our midst,” and will free us. Yes, God is near us, especially in “tough” times.

Paul, in his letter to the Christian community at Philippi in Greece, urges people to be joyful and generous, to pray confidently, and not to be anxious. The word invites us to cast our worries upon God because God loves us. Pope John XXIII story!

In the Gospel, John the Baptizer preaches repentance. When the crowds asked what they should do, John answered simply, help the needy, be fair and honest, don’t be greedy. He went on to say, “One mightier than I is coming...He will baptize you with the holy Spirit and fire.”

The courage of John the Baptizer caught my attention. He had the courage to proclaim a God-centered, other centered life. 

He had the courage to speak truth to power—King Herod--and he paid with his life. John wasn’t afraid to do the right thing. He was a profile in courage.

A common phrase in the Bible is “Do not be afraid.” Or “Be not afraid.” The phrases appear more than one thousand times. I think God is trying to get a message across to us.

Many psychologists argue that fear is a dominant emotion. We're afraid of failure, afraid of certain places or certain people, afraid of criticism, afraid to say what we think and how we really feel. 

Fears can paralyze us. In fact, fear stops more people from doing good than lack of ability. Think about it.

Now, courage is not the absence of fear, but the acquired ability to move beyond fear. Read the book “Churchill: Walking with Destiny.” Much can be accomplished in one moment of courage. By the same token, much can be lost in one moment of fear.   

Courage is a virtue. You learn to play a sport, or a musical instrument, by playing. You acquire courage by practicing courage. Virtues are like muscles; when you exercise them, they get stronger.  

Starting a new venture, making a sacramental commitment, coming humbly before God in prayer, asking forgiveness, speaking up for what we think is right: all require courage.  It animates us and makes so much possible. Many argue that the measure of one's life is one's courage. 

It takes courage to do something “just right” as Therese of Lisieux did, called to choose between careful quality and what’s just enough.

It takes courage to stand on principle and an informed conscience, as Thomas More did against King Henry VIII of England.

In short, it often takes courage to choose what is right in decisions that affect work, career, family and social life. 

We know that in the struggles of life we are not alone. God has given us the seven gifts of the Spirit: wisdom (to recognize what really matters in life), intelligence (to discern what's true), courage (to stand up for what's right), empathy or compassion (for the needy), good judgment (to do the right thing), and wonder and awe (to worship the great God of this universe). Yes, with these gifts and with God close to us, we can do the right thing.  

In the end, a joyful life grounded in courage leaves us at peace within. Only such a life — with the struggle for an informed conscience and to stand up for what's right — can bestow this inner calm that comes from being in harmony with God and with our own best inner self.

So, always seek simply what is right as John the Baptizer did. And having found what is right and good and true, just do it. Remember the color rose is for joy. Run for the roses!