How many have visited Disney World? Those Orlando theme parks are in the midst of a 50th anniversary celebration.
The passage is a song,
about a “servant” who will be a light,
a doer of justice, a liberator, a faithful keeper of God’s
covenant. The early
Christians saw in this “servant” Jesus, whose vocation was to proclaim our
transcendent purpose: eternal life with God beyond this earthly life by living a god-like life here and now.
The Book of the Acts of the Apostles describes Peter, fired up by the grace of God, proclaiming Jesus as God’s anointed One, the Messiah. And you and I should be fired up, witnessing to the Gospel by trying to live a life of virtue: self-discipline, compassion, responsibility, courage, friendship, honesty, loyalty, and faith in God.
In the Gospel, John baptizes Jesus in the waters of the Jordan River. And the power of God overwhelms Jesus and he, fired up, begins his public ministry, proclaiming a new purpose for us, symbolized in a dove that suggests new beginnings.
John the Baptist is an interesting personality. He dressed simply, ate simply. His vocation was clearly to point to Jesus as the Messiah. We might ask, by virtue of who we are and what we do, whether we reflect Jesus in our relationships with one another.
And what is John doing? He is baptizing. He’s inviting people to live a God-centered, other-centered life.
Now baptism is a rite of initiation into a world-wide community of disciples, the mystical body of Christ.
Early on, candidates were often immersed in water. Stepping into the baptismal pool on one side and rising out on the other side symbolized a dying to a self-centered life and a rising to a God-centered life.
By the 11th century, baptism by the pouring of water over the head of the candidate became the common practice. We baptize children to emphasize that baptism is a gift from God, and not something we choose to have.
To understand baptism, we have to understand who we are in relationship to God. The Book of Genesis captures this. In the beginning, man and woman walked with God; they had friendship with God and one another. But somehow or other, they lost that friendship. Genesis describes very powerfully their fall. They hid from God; man blamed woman; earthly elements betrayed them.
Ever since, the human family has cried out for God’s friendship again.
So God became flesh. God, through Jesus by the power of the Spirit, re-establishes our friendship.
Baptism initiates us into a new community of fellowship and grace. This makes straight-forward demands upon us. The so-called 10 Commandments are really about freeing ourselves from attitudes and behaviors that undermine our relationship with God and one another.
The Ten Commandments say, very simply, that our God is all-mighty and all-present, a God of love; and our response to God’s love is gratitude.
This planet of ours, and the people on it, reflect the image of God. And so, everything on this planet – God’s people especially -- is worthy of reverence.
God deserves our time. That’s why we take time to get in touch with God. This same God challenges us to live virtuous lives, e.g., faithfulness, truthfulness, generosity and respect for others.
The Commandments underscore virtues we should practice every day.
And so
today, as we reflect upon the baptism of Jesus, I invite us to renew our own
baptismal promises, to live as sons or daughters of God, to be a living gospel
to others in this year of grace.