During this time of year, some high school seniors are anxious about being accepted by the college/university of their choice. I remember getting letters from parents. One wrote:
God then commissioned Isaiah to become a prophet, to speak on God’s behalf to the Hebrews. Although they had not kept their promises, God kept his, summed up in that profound statement, “You are my people, and I am your God.” Isaiah challenges us to remember that God has called us to be faithful to our baptismal promises, to live a life worthy of our calling as sons/daughters of God.
In his letter to the Christian community, Paul emphasized his passion in life: to preach Jesus once crucified and now risen and alive among us. Paul was called to be an apostle on the road to Damascus, and that encounter with the living Christ turned Paul’s life upside down. God’s grace, Paul proclaimed, made him what he is. And God’s grace, which we should pray for every day, can make us passionate about proclaiming God’s good news: Jesus is alive. And because he lives, we live.
In the Gospel, Jesus went into the deep waters of the Sea of Galilee with the fishermen. Peter, while skeptical after catching nothing all night, recognizes something special in Jesus. So, Peter cast the nets again and made a sensational catch. He experienced the awesome presence of God in Jesus. He cried out, “Lord.” Jesus calms everyone, “Do not be afraid,” and called Peter and the others into discipleship. And how did they respond? They left everything they had and followed Jesus.
Isaiah, cleansed with God's mercy; Paul’s life, turned upside down with God's grace on the road to Damascus, Jesus. filled with the presence of God—these three, Isaiah, Paul, and Jesus accomplished much because they loved much. They were on fire with an intense love of God and a compassionate love of their fellow human beings with hope about the future. They fired people up to further God’s kingdom of truth and justice and freedom and peace.
Each of us has gifts or talents that can build up other people. Football’s quarterback Tom Brady, or celebrities like Denzel Washington or Lady Gaga, are not the only people with talents. You and I have special gifts by virtue of our baptism: the power to believe, to hope, and to love. And within our common life, there are many splendid callings.